Congratulations Owls who take first place for the second week running with 72%, with Robins the runners up. Still everything to play for - the leaderboard for the term is very tight indeed, only a couple of points in it! Keep up your five reads a week. 

Favourite books? 

One of the best things about reading to our classes is when a child says, "My mum says she loved that book when she was little."

Sharing the stories you loved as a child is really powerful. Children are often fascinated by the idea that their parents read, or listened to, Stig Of The Dump or The Very Hungry Caterpillar or George's Marvellous Medicine or Charlotte's Web or My Naughty Little Sister or The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe, when they were small. There's something amazing about bonding over your favourite characters or scenes in a story.

So talk about your favourites. Tell your children about the stories you loved. And, of course, if you loved it once, there's every chance you'll love it again! Why not grab a copy of an old favourite and enjoy it together? 

"Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you'd most like not to lose.”
― Neil Gaiman