Meet the Governors

Mrs M Higgs

Mrs M Higgs

Finance Committee

Iain Gunn

Iain Gunn

Staff Governor

Charlotte Watchorn

Charlotte Watchorn

Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor
Finance Committee

My aspiration in joining the governing team was simply to invest in the school for the future of our three children who currently or will be attending Aldermaston school. I currently work as a Director in a large Healthcare company and I feel that what I learn and do in my day job I can transfer into my role as a governor. The two worlds are quite different yet similar in many ways! As a new governor I am already finding it rewarding working with the dedicated team and teaching staff to ensure that the school can be the best it can, for the children and parents. Although my reason for being a governor was relatively selfish to start with, it has changed, all children need to be able to flourish at school and that is everyone’s wish at Aldermaston school, my goal is to support, lead and guide that as much as I can.

Cathy Jones

Cathy Jones

Vice-Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor
SEND Steering Group

I am Cathy Jones and have been a Governor at the school since my son started in 2004. He spent seven happy years here, then seven years at the Willink School and is now at University I am well aware of the importance of a child's primary years education providing them with lifelong skills, a desire to learn and a good foundation for life as they mature. We as a team of Governors have an important role to play in supporting the Head and all staff in aiming to ensure every child can flourish and achieve their personal best. As one of the Foundation Governors I was appointed by the Diocese of Oxford and my particular role is to ensure that the school's Christian foundation is maintained and nurtured and forms an integral part of school life. I live at the Wharf, am a retired Bank Manager and am also involved locally at Tadley Rugby Club in running the Kit Shop, a Trustee of Aldermaston Parish Hall and a member of the Aldermaston & Wasing Parochial Church Council.

Revd.Jane Manley

Revd.Jane Manley

Foundation Governor

I am the Rector of the Benefice of Aldermaston and Woolhampton serving the local communities in six villages. A foundation governor in a Church School has the additional task of ensuring that the whole curriculum and all that we do as a school, adds a Christian value and ethos. I see my role as supporting the school to value and encourage all our children and staff, including those of other faiths and no faith, to become the people God created them to be – ‘education is about fullness of life’ to quote Archbishop William Temple. I help maintain the good relationship we have with St Mary’s Church and lead Collective Worship on a weekly basis.

Chris Laney

Chris Laney

Co-opted Governor
Safeguarding Governor

My daughter joined Aldermaston School in September 2018 and I felt that with the village having such a strong community spirit supporting the school as a parent governor would be a positive contribution. By profession I am a Captain in the Merchant Navy but also have a background in safe guarding and public protection - I enjoy fitting my governing responsibilities around my career and it’s travel requirements, occasionally by skype! Having the ability to steer a school that is continually building on its success is extremely satisfying whilst working with a great team of Governors and Staff.

Cynthia Newman

Cynthia Newman

LA Governor
Chair SEND Steering Group

Having lived in the village since 1984 and always been a supporter of the school, even though our own sons were at secondary school when we moved here, it is a privilege to be part of the Governing Body. The experience I bring is from a background in the NHS both as a nurse and a Non-Executive Director; working in and running playgroups in 1970’s and 80’s; Governor and Chair of a small primary school for 12 years; Justice of the Peace for 23 years. Within the village I am currently a member of the Aldermaston and Wasing Parochial Church Council and Chair of the Aldermaston Charity. I look forward to working with and supporting the staff and governors in providing the children in our care with the best, broad and balanced education possible.

Solvej Biddle

Solvej Biddle

Co-opted Governor
Finance Committee

Solvej is a lawyer, entrepreneur, business consultant and public speaker. Relinquishing her career as one of the UK’s leading experts in advertising and marketing law, she has combined this knowledge with her passion for business leading to her being named Female Business Owner of the Year in 2011. Her business has sold multi award winning products across 21 countries and she now advises and inspires other businesses and business owners to generate growth and to maximise individual and team performance.

Susan Phillips

Susan Phillips

Co-Opted Governor
SEND Steering Group

I moved to Aldermaston in 2021 and I immediately became aware that there is a very strong sense of community here. When I was asked to become a governor I knew that this was a great opportunity to make a contribution to the life of the village. I have a background in education, being a teacher in secondary schools most of my adult life, and I have also owned and run several companies. I am hoping that my experience in schools and in commerce will allow me to make a positive contribution to the on-going success of Aldermaston CE Primary School.

Karen Dignan

Co-opted Governor
Chair of Finance Committee

Gail Andrews

Gail Andrews

Parent Governor
Finance Committee

When my son joined Aldermaston School in 2018, I decided to join the PTA. I then became a Parent Governor at the end of 2022 as I really wanted to help support and guide the school. I work as a Project Manager for a large company, allowing me to lead a variety of different projects while learning new skills. Having been an Air Cadet myself, I also spent a number of years running an Air Cadet unit, working with young people and volunteers on a regular basis. I love the community spirit of the school and as I’m passionate about all children having a great education, I’m keen to help the school to achieve the very best it can for everyone and really make a difference.

Alice Hollis

Alice Hollis

Parent Governor

My motivation for becoming a parent governor was simply to support the school to enrich the student learning experience and improve the parents' experience. I'm in the playground every day (my boys joined in 2019 and 2021), so please share your feedback or ideas - the more dialogue we have with the school the better! Outside of my roles as mum and governor I run my own business, with clients spread along the M4 corridor and over to Silicon Valley. My background is in B2B marketing, but I now specialise in marketing communications - specifically copywriting and ghostwriting. And I'm a volunteer baker for a community initiative called 'Free Cakes for Kids'. I'm very excited to share these skills with the governing body and the PTA as we work together to make the school the best it can be.

Rob Ebrey

Rob Ebrey

Associate Member
Finance Committee

I have been an associate member since October 2016. I live in the village and my two children both really enjoy attending the school and the great education and experiences they gain. I have spent my career working in finance, tax and treasury and seek to utilise this experience as a member of the Finance Committee.

Gayle Bonner

Gayle Bonner

Clerk to Governors

My role as Clerk to Governors is to provide effective administrative support, procedural and legislative advice to the governing board. I am currently undertaking my Clerks Professional Accreditation and I Clerk for two other West Berkshire schools.