If you can't find what you are looking for, or require a paper copy of information contained on this website, please contact the school office at enquiries@aldermaston.w-berks.sch.uk. 



The Department for Education requires schools to publish the following policies:  

Section A - Statutory policies required by education legislation

Updated: 01/05/2024 223 KB
Updated: 13/06/2024 120 KB
Updated: 06/09/2024 610 KB
Draft until ratified by FGB
Updated: 19/10/2023 1.45 MB
Updated: 14/06/2024 127 KB
Updated: 11/09/2024 1.70 MB
Updated: 17/06/2024 261 KB
Updated: 26/06/2024 205 KB
Updated: 10/05/2024 179 KB
Updated: 19/10/2023 84 KB
Updated: 26/06/2024 76 KB

Section B - Statutory policies required by other legislation, which impact particularly on schools

Updated: 20/05/2024 261 KB
Updated: 01/05/2024 390 KB

Section C - Other statutory documents

Updated: 13/10/2021 158 KB
Updated: 11/10/2021 230 KB
Updated: 06/04/2021 39 KB
Updated: 05/12/2023 158 KB
Updated: 05/12/2023 162 KB
Updated: 05/12/2023 166 KB
Updated: 01/05/2024 197 KB

Section D - Documents referenced in statutory guidance

Updated: 15/11/2023 122 KB
Updated: 01/05/2024 119 KB
Updated: 19/10/2023 205 KB
Updated: 01/05/2023 232 KB

Early Career Teachers (ECTs) - Policy available on request   

Local Policies

Updated: 11/11/2022 855 KB
Updated: 01/11/2022 648 KB
Updated: 05/10/2023 388 KB
Updated: 08/09/2023 530 KB
Updated: 17/06/2024 347 KB

Terms of Reference

Updated: 12/10/2023 175 KB
Updated: 12/10/2023 297 KB
Updated: 12/10/2023 128 KB
Updated: 06/07/2023 147 KB