Catch-up Premium Plan


Following the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent closure of schools, the government issued an amount of catch-up funding to all schools to support with closing gaps in learning. The amount of funding allocated is based on pupil numbers and is paid over two financial years. 

Children and young people across the country have experienced unprecedented disruption to their education as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19). Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit.  The impact of of time lost in education due to school closures will be significant. To help close the gap in lost education schools have been allocated catch-up funding calculated on a per pupil basis.  Aldermaston CE Primary School has been allocated £80 per pupil, a total of £11,280.  The document below gives details on how this will be spent for 2020-2021. 

Catch-up Premium Plan

Updated: 04/05/2021 534 KB