Through our curriculum, children at Aldermaston CE Primary School are supported to become digitally literate. Computing skills are developed to enrich their learning, not just in computing lessons but also integrated across the wider curriculum to enhance their experiences in other subjects. Computing is taught within a framework of purposeful use so children understand the application of the skills they develop.
Computing lessons are underpinned by the importance of children becoming responsible and discerning users of information and communication technology. They learn how to keep themselves and others safe and how to evaluate the reliability and limitations of information shared through digital platforms.
You can find out more about the national curriculum requirements for this subject here.
Online Safety
Helping children to stay safe online is one of our highest priorities. We start each new school year with a computing unit on online safety to give children the knowledge and skills to make effective use of digital learning tools. We also engage in the annual Safer Internet Day to promote online safety throughout our school community.
We have an agreed children's code of conduct as well as agreed school practices and procedures for use of Google Classrooms and other digital learning tools.
In school
Aldermaston CE Primary School practices and procedures for use of digital learning tools
At home
Below are some useful resources and links to help you support your children with online safety. Remember, one of the most powerful tools we have as parents and carers is to keep communicating with our children about their online activities and any worries they might have.
Cyberbullying advice sheet for parents
Cyberbullying advice sheet for young people
Children's Commissioner - talking to your child about online sexual harassment