Abernant 2025 - Day 1
We made it! Starlings class were extremely patient, albeit a tad excited over the course of the journey. However, they were fabulous and excellent company. The first task was to unload the coach and get ourselves to the accommodation, there is a slight walk from where the coach drops us; Starlings managed all of their belongings and worked well together to ensure everyone's luggage got to where it needed to be. Task 1 complete!
After the eagerly awaited room allocations were called out, the children made their way to their rooms to unpack and get ready for their first activity: Group 1 on the Low Ropes and Group 2 were Axe throwing! Both groups thoroughly enjoyed their respective activities and chatted over a hearty evening meal, preparing themselves for the evening activity: Evening Walk.
Starlings class motored along during the Evening Walk, just over 3 miles in length, and were taken on the longer route by the instructors as they are such good walkers. This obviously made Starlings class's day, anticipating the hill walk later in the week. We arrived back with a lot of tired children ready to unwind and get themselves to bed to rest up, ready for tomorrow's activities. Of course the obligatory and competitive games of Connect 4 and Uno were played before lights out.
Day 1 done and dusted, canoe and kayaking tomorrow morning. Lets hope for another great day.