Welcome back to school and welcome to a new look reading blog where you will find the week's reading "scores on the doors", any information about Reading Cafe, Book Week when it rolls around, and hopefully lots of other goodies once we get into the swing of things!

This week's headlines! 

Reading records: Our brilliant staff team have been working hard this first few days to get reading records sorted and reading books out to all of our children, ready for reading records to be sent home on Monday the 9th September. Look out for your beautiful cherry red Autumn term reading record in your child's bag! A reminder that children should practice their reading at home and get their reading record signed by a parent a minimum of five times a week. Reading regularly at home is, overwhelmingly, the homework that makes the difference at primary school. Thank you so much for all you do as parents to support them by reminding them, listening to them, reading with them and talking about their books. Every little thing you do counts!  Reads will be counted on Mondays (our first count of the term will be on the 16th) but reading records and books should be in school every day. 

Reading Cafe: Our very popular after school Reading Cafe will restart on Tuesday 10th, in the Larks room from 3:30 till 4:00. Join us for a story and a biscuit. Suitable for all ages and everyone is very welcome, including little brothers and sisters. No charge and no need to book; just turn up. Bring your reading record to get it stamped! 

Summer Reading Challenge: Thank you so much and congratulations to those of you who took on the Summer Reading Challenge and have already brought your certificates in - keep them coming! If you haven't quite finished, you've got till next Saturday (the 15th!) so get yourselves to the library this weekend! Even if you don't finish, please do bring in your passports so that we can celebrate your efforts. 

Looking forward to another amazing year of reading at Aldermaston!