Nativity – “Little Angel – Gets Her Wings”
Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th December The younger pupils in Years R, 1 and 2 are just starting to prepare for their nativity. We will re-enact our story of Christmas on Monday 11th December and Wednesday 13th December at 1.30pm. We will be doing two Nativity performances because the Nativity is always popular.
Please can all parents of children in Wrens and Robins Class decide in advance which day you would like to come and indicate your preference and number of tickets required on the reply slip at the bottom of this letter. It would help if you could keep your requests to 2 initially and indicate if you would like more should they be available.
There will be no charge for the tickets, but we will have a collection on the day. We will not be producing any physical tickets this year. Please note that if there is any difficulty with your ticket request we will be in touch. Please therefore assume that if you do not hear from us that your ticket requests have been agreed.