1 Nov

Phonics boxes are GO!

Great news today to all our youngest readers - our reading books have had a revamp over half term and are now organised into our brand new Phonics Boxes. This means that every book is matched with the sounds that children in the EYFS and KS1 are learning in their phonics sessions, so that their…

18 Oct

Black History week

It's Black History Week and there is the most amazing selection of books in our school libraries for our children to explore and celebrate this part of our heritage. Key Stage One will be looking closely at "Sulwe" by Kenyan-Mexican author Lupita N'Yongo, while Key Stage Two are studying "Hidden…

15 Oct


Thank you SO much to everyone who submitted writes this week. We gave out 25 stickers - hope you got yours! All writing will be kept in the folder in the library so do feel free to look back through your writing and see the submissions of others. 

You can view this week's writing prompt above,…

8 Oct


WRITE NOW is our brand new writing enrichment activity, brought to you by the library team. \

We'll put a writing prompt up in the library every Friday to inspire you to have a go at doing some writing for fun. You can write anything you like - stories, poems, information pages, anything at all…