Family Learning Morning
We had a fantastic morning with our families today looking at how to stay safe online. The children were very happy with the behaviour of everyone who visited their classrooms and they say you can come again!
In all seriousness, the topic was chosen because we know it is so important to you and to our children. Every year, we have at least a couple of occasions when families contact us with concerns about the safety of their children when they are using games or social media platforms outside of school. We’re happy to respond to needs within our community and can do one off sessions with classes and groups to support them with staying safe in particular contexts.
We use the Purple Mash platform at school to deliver our computing curriculum. This provides us with a good range of safe computing tools to use with the children to support their learning. Messaging is closely monitored and children cannot send messages outside of our school. Our IT manager also monitors use of school devices and reports any concerns to class teachers so they can follow up with children and report to families if necessary. We choose to start every school year with a unit of learning on internet safety in every class and we frequently refer to our children’s code of conduct to help develop safe and respectful habits.
There are so many great things about the internet and the opportunities for learning, fun and friendship now available to our children are fantastic. However, as parents and carers, it can be hard to keep up with developments and it’s important to be aware of how to help children stay safe and manage any worries. There are some useful links available on our website and we are also sending out ‘Parenting in a digital world’ with this newsletter which we hope you will find helpful. It covers lots of topics and includes sections on digital footprints, self-image and bullying, wellbeing and mental health.
Click here for the information leaflet "Parenting in a Digital World" used in this session.