Democracy in Action

We are in the very fortunate position to have received a generous donation in support of children’s reading at         Aldermaston.  Many, many thanks to Mrs Hollis for your kind contribution to our school. 


The School Council had been working with Mrs Ebrey on how this money could be spent to inspire and engage our children.  They came up with four suggestions - a school trip, a visit by an author, buying a book for every child or   buying a storytelling chair.  


Our focus British value for this term is democracy (as championed by the Reflector Owl learning hero) so we set about creating a polling station, complete with ballot boxes and voting tokens.  As the children arrived in the morning, they were very excited to see the transformation of our KS2 library.  School councilors reminded children about the       principles of democracy in class before allowing anyone to attend the polling station where they ran a rigorously    controlled vote.  Each child had to be registered to vote and only once this was confirmed were they issued a voting token.  Adults were not allowed to vote.



Votes were counted and checked against those who registered to vote.  Then they were counted again!  Our children have voted for the money to go towards a school trip in the Summer Term.  Watch this space!