Please could children arrive in their PE kits wearing a plain t-shirt in their house colours.  They will be wearing their PE kits all day so there is no need to send in uniform as well.   We've got our fingers crossed for dry and pleasant weather.  As always, children will need their hats and water bottles.  In the unfortunate event that rain stops play, our reserve sports day date is Thursday 11th July.

Don't forget to order any picnic lunches by 9am on Wednesday (3rd July).    If you are bringing your own picnic, please remember that we are a  nut free school (

Please drop off the children in the usual way for registration.  From 9.00am, you will be able to enter through the school hall where you will be asked to sign in and put on a visitor badge.  You can then proceed out to the field where seats will be available.  Please note, it's staff and children only on the far side of the tracks. 

We'll have a short break in the middle of the races and we're hoping to have completed the races by approximately 12:00pm when we will all join together for our picnic lunch.

Good luck to all of our House Groups!

We are looking forward to our annual Sports Day & Picnic next Friday. 



Picnic Lunch Orders for Sports Day 


Please note, there will be no hot food available on the day.  If your child requires a picnic bag, please order this in advance.

The choices are:

Tuna Mayo Baguette

Chicken Mayo Baguette

Cheese Baguette

Ham Baguette


The picnic bag will also include:

Salad Sticks

A Piece of Fruit

A Shortbread Biscuit


You can also order yourself a picnic bag at the cost of £3.24 to be paid in cash to the office.