Family Learning Morning
We’re looking forward to seeing you next week for our family learning morning on Friday 24th January. For those of you who are new to our school, we aim to hold three family learning mornings a year (see school website calendar).
We open our doors so you can join your children to find out more about what they are learning and to get a better understanding of their day to day lives in the classroom. You are expected to join in with the lessons alongside the children but we promise there will be no formal assessment of your work! Following on from a parent feedback suggestion, the theme for this next event will be Maths fluency / bar modelling. We hope you enjoy a fun time in the classroom with your children.
You can drop your children off as usual through the school playground and we will then ensure there is tea and coffee available for you in the hall where you can sign in and receive a visitor label. The event finishes at 10.30am so the children can go out for their break and you are welcome to stay for all or part of the morning, whatever you can manage.