Sports Day 


We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at our Sports Day next Friday. 


Entrance will be through the hall door from 9.00am on the morning with the first races scheduled to start at 9.30am. 


All visitors will be asked to sign in and wear a visitor badge while on site.  We need to keep the school site secure, so would advise that if any visitors need to leave early please ask a member of staff to let you out.


Children will have already competed in field events for their House Groups in the run up to race day and the points earned in these events will provide our starting point for the day.  Our Wrens and Robins will        compete first, followed by Owls, Kingfishers and Starlings.  There will also be an all age relay and a special Year 6 race as part of the programme.  We will finish the morning with a picnic lunch where children will be able to sit with their supporters and friends.


Children should wear a plain t-shirt in their house colour (we’re sending e-mail reminders in case you’ve forgotten) and family supporters are also welcome to show who they’re supporting through the colour of their clothes.




School Sports Day Picnic – Friday, 8th July

This year we are again inviting parents to stay for lunch with the children after all the races have taken place for sports day.  The kitchen is offering to provide picnic bags for all children and parents for that lunchtime.   THERE WILL BE NO HOT LUNCH SERVED ON THIS DAY.  If you would like to come along and join in the children for a picnic lunch and order from the school kitchen they will offer a ham, cheese or tuna roll with vegetable sticks, sausage roll, shortbread and fresh fruit to finish.  Please note that this does not include a drink so you will need to bring your own.  If you are interested, please complete the reply slip below and return to the school office by no later than Friday, 1st July.  The kitchen will need to place their order for this at that time, so any replies received after the 28th June cannot be accepted.  The picnic bags will be at a cost of £2.40 per child and £2.88 per adult. Please remember that all children in Years R, 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meal.


School Sports Day Picnic
Please return to school office no later than Friday, 1st July with your payment

I would like to join the children for the Sports Day Picnic on Friday, 8th July and would like to order a picnic bag as follows:-

Child’s Name     ………………………………………    Ham     Cheese    Tuna*  (*please circle your choice)

Child’s Name     ………………………………………    Ham     Cheese    Tuna*  (*please circle your choice)

Child’s Name     ………………………………………    Ham     Cheese    Tuna*  (*please circle your choice)

Parent’s Name     ………………………………………    Ham     Cheese    Tuna*  (*please circle your choice)

Parent’s Name     ………………………………………    Ham     Cheese    Tuna*  (*please circle your choice)

I enclose payment of £2.40 per child (Years 3 to 6 only) and £2.88 per adult. 

All meals for children in Years R, 1 and 2 are free—therefore no payment is required if your child is in any of these year groups.