The big news this week is that we seem to have temporarily lost Lorraine to the big city lifestyle! Having had her photograph taken at the Shard, Lorraine then managed to get onto the pitch at Twickenham for a photo op, and then snuck into a backpack for a brief trip to the Seven Sisters on the south coast before travelling back to London. She has tickets for a West End show next week so is remaining in London for now. 

We also heard back from Pedro, who made it all the way to Orkney - more than seven hundred miles each way. He had to travel on a little aeroplane with the rest of the post, and he saw a Stone Age circle more than 4500 years old and a beautiful rainbow while he was there. He is on his way home. 

Poppy and Sir Owlington arrived back in the classroom, from Birmingham and Ashford, to shrieks of excitement. We looked at the postmarks and guessed correctly which owls were in the envelopes!

Barb is still enjoying Worthing.

Poe reported back from Glasgow. He had his picture taken outside the Gallery Of Modern Art, where there is a statue of the Duke of Wellington. He has a traffic cone hat, but Poe didn't put it there; it's been there for more than forty years and every time the police or council remove it, somebody puts it back. 

Pastel Sandra, Dolly, Speckle, Focused Frederick, Natalie and Beats have all departed on their first mission. This week we are headed for Cambridge, Harrogate, Nottingham, Sunderland, Snowdonia and Lincoln. (If you're an owl foster family reading the blog to find out which one you're getting, it's still a secret - these are in no particular order!) 

Owl Class did some more amazing mapping skills this week, looking at some of the rivers in our major cities. We hope that Poe spotted the River Clyde in Glasgow and that Spike might take a ferry across the River Mersey in Liverpool. (We expect Lorraine has already been for a cruise on the Thames. She is that kind of owl.) 

Tune in next week for more intrepid adventures from the Owl Squad!